(kicad_sch (version 20230121) (generator eeschema) (uuid 963efc4b-8161-4fb3-9bcc-5999648a4e3b) (paper "A4") (lib_symbols (symbol "MCU_Microchip_SAMD:ATSAMD11C14A-SS" (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "U" (at -10.16 16.51 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Value" "ATSAMD11C14A-SS" (at 1.27 16.51 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Footprint" "Package_SO:SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm" (at 0 -26.67 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/Atmel-42363-SAM-D11_Datasheet.pdf" (at 0 -17.78 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_keywords" "32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ MCU Microcontroller" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_description" "ARM Cortex-M0+ MCU, 48MHz, 16KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 1.6-3.6V, 18 GPIO, SOIC-14" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "SOIC*3.9x8.7mm*P1.27mm*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (symbol "ATSAMD11C14A-SS_0_1" (rectangle (start -10.16 15.24) (end 10.16 -15.24) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default)) (fill (type background)) ) ) (symbol "ATSAMD11C14A-SS_1_1" (pin bidirectional line (at 12.7 2.54 180) (length 2.54) (name "PA05" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 12.7 -7.62 180) (length 2.54) (name "PA25" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "10" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin power_in line (at 0 -17.78 90) (length 2.54) (name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "11" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin power_in line (at 0 17.78 270) (length 2.54) (name "VDD" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "12" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 12.7 7.62 180) (length 2.54) (name "PA02" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "13" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 12.7 5.08 180) (length 2.54) (name "PA04" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "14" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at -12.7 -5.08 0) (length 2.54) (name "PA08/XIN" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at -12.7 -7.62 0) (length 2.54) (name "PA09/XOUT" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 12.7 0 180) (length 2.54) (name "PA14" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 12.7 -2.54 180) (length 2.54) (name "PA15" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "5" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at -12.7 7.62 0) (length 2.54) (name "PA28/~{RST}" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "6" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at -12.7 2.54 0) (length 2.54) (name "PA30/SWCLK" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "7" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at -12.7 0 0) (length 2.54) (name "PA31/SWDIO" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "8" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at 12.7 -5.08 180) (length 2.54) (name "PA24" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "9" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) ) ) (symbol "Regulator_Linear:LM3480-3.3" (pin_names (offset 0.254)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "U" (at -3.81 3.175 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Value" "LM3480-3.3" (at 0 3.175 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Footprint" "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" (at 0 5.715 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) italic) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm3480.pdf" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_keywords" "ldo linear fixed positive" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_description" "100mA, Quasi Low Dropout Voltage Regulator, 3.3V positive fixed output, SOT-23 package" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "SOT?23*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (symbol "LM3480-3.3_0_1" (rectangle (start -5.08 1.905) (end 5.08 -5.08) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default)) (fill (type background)) ) ) (symbol "LM3480-3.3_1_1" (pin power_out line (at 7.62 0 180) (length 2.54) (name "VO" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin power_in line (at -7.62 0 0) (length 2.54) (name "VI" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin power_in line (at 0 -7.62 90) (length 2.54) (name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) ) ) (symbol "fab:Button_Omron_B3SN_6.0x6.0mm" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 1.016) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "SW" (at 1.27 2.54 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Value" "Button_Omron_B3SN_6.0x6.0mm" (at 0 -1.524 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:Button_Omron_B3SN_6.0x6.0mm" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "https://omronfs.omron.com/en_US/ecb/products/pdf/en-b3sn.pdf" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_keywords" "switch normally-open pushbutton push-button button tactile spst single pole single throw" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_description" "Push button switch, Omron, B3SN, Sealed Tactile Switch (SMT), SPST-NO Top Actuated Surface Mount" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "*Button*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (symbol "Button_Omron_B3SN_6.0x6.0mm_0_1" (circle (center -2.032 0) (radius 0.508) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (polyline (pts (xy 0 1.27) (xy 0 3.048) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (polyline (pts (xy 2.54 1.27) (xy -2.54 1.27) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (circle (center 2.032 0) (radius 0.508) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (pin passive line (at -5.08 0 0) (length 2.54) (name "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin passive line (at 5.08 0 180) (length 2.54) (name "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) ) ) (symbol "fab:C_1206" (pin_numbers hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "C" (at 0.635 2.54 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Value" "C_1206" (at 0.635 -2.54 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:C_1206" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "https://www.yageo.com/upload/media/product/productsearch/datasheet/mlcc/UPY-GP_NP0_16V-to-50V_18.pdf" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_keywords" "cap capacitor unpolarized 1206 C" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_description" "Unpolarized capacitor, SMD, 1206" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "*C*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (symbol "C_1206_0_1" (polyline (pts (xy -2.032 -0.762) (xy 2.032 -0.762) ) (stroke (width 0.508) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (polyline (pts (xy -2.032 0.762) (xy 2.032 0.762) ) (stroke (width 0.508) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (polyline (pts (xy 0 -0.635) (xy 0 -2.54) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (polyline (pts (xy 0 0.635) (xy 0 2.54) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) ) (symbol "C_1206_1_1" (pin passive line (at 0 5.08 270) (length 2.54) (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin passive line (at 0 -5.08 90) (length 2.54) (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) ) ) (symbol "fab:Conn_PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD" (pin_names hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "J" (at 0 3.81 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Value" "Conn_PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD" (at 0 -3.81 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "https://cdn.amphenol-icc.com/media/wysiwyg/files/drawing/95278.pdf" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_keywords" "connector" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_description" "Connector Header Surface Mount 4 position 0.100\" (2.54mm)" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "*PinHeader*2x02*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (symbol "Conn_PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD_1_1" (rectangle (start -3.81 2.54) (end 3.81 -2.54) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default)) (fill (type background)) ) (pin passive line (at -7.62 1.27 0) (length 3.81) (name "Pin_1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin passive line (at 7.62 1.27 180) (length 3.81) (name "Pin_2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin passive line (at -7.62 -1.27 0) (length 3.81) (name "Pin_3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin passive line (at 7.62 -1.27 180) (length 3.81) (name "Pin_4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) ) ) (symbol "fab:Conn_USB_A_Plain" (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "P" (at -5.08 8.89 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Value" "Conn_USB_A_Plain" (at 1.27 8.89 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:Conn_USB_A_Plain" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_keywords" "usb type-a connector plug" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_description" "Plain USB connector that can be milled with as PCB milling machine " (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "*USB*A*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (symbol "Conn_USB_A_Plain_0_1" (rectangle (start -5.08 7.62) (end 5.08 -7.62) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default)) (fill (type background)) ) (rectangle (start 1.27 -3.81) (end 5.08 -5.08) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (rectangle (start 1.27 -1.27) (end 4.445 -2.54) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (rectangle (start 1.27 2.54) (end 4.445 1.27) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (rectangle (start 1.27 5.08) (end 5.08 3.81) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) ) (symbol "Conn_USB_A_Plain_1_1" (pin power_in line (at 0 10.16 270) (length 2.54) (name "5V" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at -7.62 2.54 0) (length 2.54) (name "D-" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin bidirectional line (at -7.62 -2.54 0) (length 2.54) (name "D+" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "3" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin power_in line (at 0 -10.16 90) (length 2.54) (name "GND" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "4" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) ) ) (symbol "fab:LED_1206" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 1.016) hide) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "D" (at 0 2.54 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Value" "LED_1206" (at 0 -2.54 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:LED_1206" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "https://optoelectronics.liteon.com/upload/download/DS-22-98-0002/LTST-C150CKT.pdf" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_keywords" "LED diode 1206" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_description" "Light emitting diode, Lite-On Inc. LTST, SMD" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "*LED*1206*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (symbol "LED_1206_0_1" (polyline (pts (xy -1.27 -1.27) (xy -1.27 1.27) ) (stroke (width 0.2032) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (polyline (pts (xy -1.27 0) (xy 1.27 0) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (polyline (pts (xy 1.27 -1.27) (xy 1.27 1.27) (xy -1.27 0) (xy 1.27 -1.27) ) (stroke (width 0.2032) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (polyline (pts (xy -3.048 -0.762) (xy -4.572 -2.286) (xy -3.81 -2.286) (xy -4.572 -2.286) (xy -4.572 -1.524) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) (polyline (pts (xy -1.778 -0.762) (xy -3.302 -2.286) (xy -2.54 -2.286) (xy -3.302 -2.286) (xy -3.302 -1.524) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) ) ) (symbol "LED_1206_1_1" (pin passive line (at -3.81 0 0) (length 2.54) (name "K" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin passive line (at 3.81 0 180) (length 2.54) (name "A" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) ) ) (symbol "fab:R_1206" (pin_numbers hide) (pin_names (offset 0)) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (property "Reference" "R" (at 2.54 0 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Value" "R_1206" (at -2.54 0 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:R_1206" (at 0 0 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_keywords" "R res resistor RC1206FR-070RL RC1206FR-071RL RC1206FR-0710RL RC1206FR-07100RL RC1206FR-07499RL RC1206FR-071KL RC1206FR-074K99L RC1206FR-0710KL RC1206FR-07100KL RC1206FR-071ML RC1206FR-0710ML" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_description" "Resistor" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "ki_fp_filters" "*R*1206*" (at 0 0 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (symbol "R_1206_0_1" (rectangle (start -1.016 -2.54) (end 1.016 2.54) (stroke (width 0.254) (type default)) (fill (type background)) ) ) (symbol "R_1206_1_1" (pin passive line (at 0 5.08 270) (length 2.54) (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "1" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) (pin passive line (at 0 -5.08 90) (length 2.54) (name "~" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) (number "2" (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)))) ) ) ) ) (junction (at 105.41 119.38) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0) (uuid 74c7f199-8cef-4f30-b922-31845f022f77) ) (junction (at 208.28 83.82) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0) (uuid 997db13d-58a1-44f6-8fd1-0e193461f316) ) (junction (at 193.04 92.71) (diameter 0) (color 0 0 0 0) (uuid d31b00ff-8723-4d1b-aa19-f9a9243e0699) ) (wire (pts (xy 193.04 92.71) (xy 193.04 91.44)) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (uuid 25998a37-314c-4d90-bec6-4c0ef0848441) ) (wire (pts (xy 198.12 95.25) (xy 198.12 92.71)) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (uuid 2f18697d-0353-4d7a-bf2b-1a7d33b52995) ) (wire (pts (xy 110.49 119.38) (xy 105.41 119.38)) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (uuid 42e44afb-8043-4f34-a541-a110c6326af1) ) (wire (pts (xy 91.44 82.55) (xy 95.25 82.55)) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (uuid 597635ac-10aa-4b18-b30e-8f564f6c8f30) ) (wire (pts (xy 200.66 83.82) (xy 208.28 83.82)) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (uuid 682ee4eb-5c33-451d-8b92-d432b98a237b) ) (wire (pts (xy 91.44 99.06) (xy 95.25 99.06)) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (uuid 6862d3cf-98f1-4563-b4b6-8e5998ef01e7) ) (wire (pts (xy 193.04 95.25) (xy 193.04 92.71)) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (uuid 71a237d7-b53e-4d46-8dc0-f35a9dd35212) ) (wire (pts (xy 105.41 119.38) (xy 101.6 119.38)) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (uuid 7fe7c14a-e647-4f18-94ab-bb34e810066d) ) (wire (pts (xy 208.28 83.82) (xy 208.28 95.25)) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (uuid a35514a5-da22-4587-b4bd-399db28a2835) ) (wire (pts (xy 198.12 92.71) (xy 193.04 92.71)) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (uuid d747b191-f4c5-44e8-b0c9-dffe9883a5f3) ) (wire (pts (xy 210.82 83.82) (xy 208.28 83.82)) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (uuid e8364a77-c28d-4b81-888a-a53f5a14cb4d) ) (wire (pts (xy 105.41 132.08) (xy 105.41 129.54)) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (uuid f2d6ea14-498c-4c17-898f-81bc3663fdda) ) (rectangle (start 80.01 110.49) (end 121.92 140.97) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) (uuid 2513adaf-523a-4151-adc0-822a160f3214) ) (rectangle (start 125.73 86.36) (end 175.26 140.97) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) (uuid 425e2857-8bfa-4d79-bc10-554ae403de36) ) (rectangle (start 179.07 107.95) (end 219.71 140.97) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) (uuid 7ad726ed-0728-42ea-a20a-940a5ae5e84b) ) (rectangle (start 83.82 91.44) (end 121.92 105.41) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) (uuid 83cec2ab-2eb7-41f5-91c6-34472ef4c4c4) ) (rectangle (start 83.82 74.93) (end 121.92 86.36) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) (uuid 98a72e43-4aa6-4cbd-a66b-2297cc7259f9) ) (rectangle (start 179.07 54.61) (end 226.06 69.85) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) (uuid 9c1c138b-a02c-4771-b414-5813c2528146) ) (rectangle (start 179.07 74.93) (end 218.44 102.87) (stroke (width 0) (type default)) (fill (type none)) (uuid e1db5859-51fc-403a-8b0b-becea7171f40) ) (text "Power LED" (at 97.79 73.66 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom)) (uuid 114293d6-2201-4274-b1bf-c0e15f9f17f8) ) (text "USB Connector" (at 193.04 106.68 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom)) (uuid 19d60a01-cf6a-49e8-8637-10f835016058) ) (text "Button" (at 97.79 109.22 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom)) (uuid 309c4c87-4a48-472e-ba5f-e3c005dbb67f) ) (text "Programmable LED" (at 93.98 90.17 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom)) (uuid 30b5ebdc-b0f8-43e8-85ab-e9cf0b345ced) ) (text "Voltage Regulator" (at 191.77 73.66 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom)) (uuid 391551fe-259f-4415-995a-fa4f8be1c9fd) ) (text "Microcontroller (MCU) SAMD11" (at 137.16 85.09 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom)) (uuid 692dfd39-2311-4374-8d09-9f8916fb68e8) ) (text "Connector header" (at 191.77 53.34 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left bottom)) (uuid e3a0ec15-9968-4167-9964-4dfbfd4e613e) ) (global_label "LED" (shape input) (at 162.56 110.49 0) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) (uuid 04b72e57-5e2a-4e6a-913f-a54cc60ed8d0) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 168.9129 110.49 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (global_label "RST" (shape input) (at 209.55 62.23 0) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) (uuid 1dd84c75-ee4f-4044-9c00-16a5a84b1679) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 215.9029 62.23 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (global_label "GND" (shape input) (at 91.44 99.06 180) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid 20870b3c-5c0e-46ce-b6eb-4a73365c0c75) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 84.6637 99.06 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "5V" (shape input) (at 185.42 83.82 180) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid 22dcac93-a0ac-4dc5-bca3-a9b62251f34c) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 180.2161 83.82 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "BUTTON" (shape input) (at 110.49 119.38 0) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) (uuid 2897a6c2-4301-4da8-9216-de4c11b4abd3) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 120.5925 119.38 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (global_label "VDD" (shape input) (at 210.82 83.82 0) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) (uuid 2b19359c-bedd-4497-b9df-263605da8710) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 217.3544 83.82 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (global_label "D+" (shape input) (at 162.56 120.65 0) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) (uuid 35490f85-330e-45cf-9058-507345c15852) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 168.3082 120.65 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (global_label "CLK" (shape input) (at 209.55 64.77 0) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) (uuid 41ef6af3-6a6e-435b-8b31-aa495ae1bb37) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 216.0239 64.77 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (global_label "D-" (shape input) (at 162.56 118.11 0) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) (uuid 4a015c51-a2e1-461e-9999-f7294fb8d8e9) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 168.3082 118.11 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (global_label "VDD" (shape input) (at 149.86 95.25 90) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) (uuid 4d2d7fd4-e2d5-4a34-af0f-30593e8a57b8) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 149.86 88.7156 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (global_label "GND" (shape input) (at 91.44 119.38 180) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid 51d96ac8-91b9-4a59-912b-d25278a8fd92) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 84.6637 119.38 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "GND" (shape input) (at 193.04 95.25 270) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid 5a9f01a5-f599-4257-b67f-af8380a6d445) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 193.04 102.0263 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (global_label "CLK" (shape input) (at 137.16 110.49 180) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid 5edea0c0-cba7-454a-8836-8e9e7614b4d1) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 130.6861 110.49 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "VDD" (shape input) (at 105.41 132.08 270) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid 6209a0a0-7504-4b6d-bb0a-6cd79ca4cb38) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 105.41 138.6144 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "DI0" (shape input) (at 137.16 113.03 180) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid 63c5f642-0f60-4c68-9684-2d88a272865e) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 131.1699 113.03 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "GND" (shape input) (at 149.86 130.81 270) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid 6c562447-904b-48dd-9f0f-ef43589a4942) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 149.86 137.5863 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "D-" (shape input) (at 186.69 120.65 180) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid 6db33843-7e15-4750-9cfe-b67998d4224e) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 180.9418 120.65 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "5V" (shape input) (at 194.31 113.03 90) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) (uuid 9164c00d-5610-4386-a5e5-32406ac278e3) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 194.31 107.8261 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (global_label "GND" (shape input) (at 91.44 82.55 180) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid 919336f5-66d0-4d2b-9089-fd4aef3d9f6a) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 84.6637 82.55 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "GND" (shape input) (at 194.31 62.23 180) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid 97b9c68c-6455-4a32-9f09-577f35beeb3a) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 187.5337 62.23 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "RST" (shape input) (at 137.16 105.41 180) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid bb6bccd4-0fbb-440a-bbba-93c96d6de706) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 130.8071 105.41 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "BUTTON" (shape input) (at 137.16 118.11 180) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid bdff5845-3064-4b25-9703-2985372a549a) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 127.0575 118.11 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "DI0" (shape input) (at 194.31 64.77 180) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid c43332e9-1f8e-4a50-abbe-058ec063c1a9) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 188.3199 64.77 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "LED" (shape input) (at 113.03 99.06 0) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) (uuid c7545371-b0dd-4f39-8451-832b5fb50383) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 119.3829 99.06 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (global_label "VDD" (shape input) (at 113.03 82.55 0) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) (uuid c9ceb9ed-6b63-433a-b798-36a7df3f0e46) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 119.5644 82.55 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (global_label "D+" (shape input) (at 186.69 125.73 180) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid cf544eb7-6d9f-4169-8601-b84a0110f52a) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 180.9418 125.73 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right) hide) ) ) (global_label "GND" (shape input) (at 194.31 133.35 270) (fields_autoplaced) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify right)) (uuid df5e1977-bc19-43d3-a2f0-ffd01a576ac0) (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" (at 194.31 140.1263 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left) hide) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "fab:R_1206") (at 107.95 82.55 90) (unit 1) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (uuid 15e10790-5636-429e-9ab6-cc662c19908c) (property "Reference" "R3" (at 107.95 77.47 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Value" "330 Ohm" (at 107.95 80.01 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:R_1206" (at 107.95 82.55 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 107.95 82.55 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (pin "1" (uuid 74007cc2-8203-445b-8640-830c7e2ca938)) (pin "2" (uuid f49a1505-003a-4b31-b65c-8ca7f9f3afcc)) (instances (project "EDA RB" (path "/963efc4b-8161-4fb3-9bcc-5999648a4e3b" (reference "R3") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "Regulator_Linear:LM3480-3.3") (at 193.04 83.82 0) (unit 1) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced) (uuid 27d5eaa2-7908-4b98-bad9-ac4331ede8ab) (property "Reference" "U4" (at 193.04 77.47 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Value" "LM3480-3.3" (at 193.04 80.01 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Footprint" "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23" (at 193.04 78.105 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27) italic) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm3480.pdf" (at 193.04 83.82 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (pin "1" (uuid a40ca9fb-7096-49d6-827e-7a05f0ec3ea3)) (pin "2" (uuid 907e33a3-05e6-402a-b114-cbca224aaf4f)) (pin "3" (uuid e9c52312-5a87-4789-b032-c27f4158bd76)) (instances (project "EDA RB" (path "/963efc4b-8161-4fb3-9bcc-5999648a4e3b" (reference "U4") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "fab:C_1206") (at 203.2 95.25 90) (unit 1) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced) (uuid 2926d61f-0c75-4076-87a4-9feb8dc26b7f) (property "Reference" "C1" (at 203.2 88.9 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Value" "1μF" (at 203.2 91.44 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:C_1206" (at 203.2 95.25 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "https://www.yageo.com/upload/media/product/productsearch/datasheet/mlcc/UPY-GP_NP0_16V-to-50V_18.pdf" (at 203.2 95.25 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (pin "1" (uuid f09be487-d1e5-4048-be7e-473e026e313f)) (pin "2" (uuid c5d343c9-7187-4d90-9b72-11112bf60461)) (instances (project "EDA RB" (path "/963efc4b-8161-4fb3-9bcc-5999648a4e3b" (reference "C1") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "fab:Conn_PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD") (at 201.93 63.5 0) (unit 1) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced) (uuid 35cabf74-935b-49fa-8a77-b4e120c66a4b) (property "Reference" "J1" (at 201.93 57.15 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Value" "Conn_PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD" (at 201.93 59.69 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:PinHeader_2x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD" (at 201.93 63.5 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "https://cdn.amphenol-icc.com/media/wysiwyg/files/drawing/95278.pdf" (at 201.93 63.5 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (pin "1" (uuid 029657bb-20e3-4c95-be63-39f0ad957b22)) (pin "2" (uuid 8938e987-501e-4540-b9ae-540aa64d22cf)) (pin "3" (uuid caabdd18-d52f-4f80-a253-05662e6539ad)) (pin "4" (uuid 74063825-a574-410e-b03f-245809f433ba)) (instances (project "EDA RB" (path "/963efc4b-8161-4fb3-9bcc-5999648a4e3b" (reference "J1") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "fab:LED_1206") (at 99.06 82.55 0) (unit 1) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced) (uuid 62345047-4146-4f29-9ed8-18b48e5e9182) (property "Reference" "D2" (at 97.4598 77.47 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Value" "LED_1206" (at 97.4598 80.01 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:LED_1206" (at 99.06 82.55 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "https://optoelectronics.liteon.com/upload/download/DS-22-98-0002/LTST-C150CKT.pdf" (at 99.06 82.55 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (pin "1" (uuid 9a5d36c2-acc1-4f8a-ba24-86c7c96c67d1)) (pin "2" (uuid 45a90e85-5446-48d5-9e90-f57dbb1683e6)) (instances (project "EDA RB" (path "/963efc4b-8161-4fb3-9bcc-5999648a4e3b" (reference "D2") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "MCU_Microchip_SAMD:ATSAMD11C14A-SS") (at 149.86 113.03 0) (unit 1) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced) (uuid 76eeec35-3422-4ec6-a2e0-093a52efad7a) (property "Reference" "U1" (at 151.8159 93.98 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Value" "ATSAMD11C14A-SS" (at 151.8159 96.52 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Footprint" "Package_SO:SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm" (at 149.86 139.7 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/Atmel-42363-SAM-D11_Datasheet.pdf" (at 149.86 130.81 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (pin "1" (uuid 26b5568a-3272-4e8c-ab67-b37af373ccd2)) (pin "10" (uuid 06d95057-4a68-488a-8529-8111322c4304)) (pin "11" (uuid 230ff2b3-87e1-4e45-b519-fe64f8079763)) (pin "12" (uuid 25946242-64aa-4554-a5c7-27d06fc269b9)) (pin "13" (uuid 13abd0cc-fff1-44d3-ad20-80eaa44b033b)) (pin "14" (uuid e652e723-76c1-403f-818b-5db4dcad79f0)) (pin "2" (uuid e988f3a6-611a-4a0a-a021-20406315df1c)) (pin "3" (uuid 3d473d0e-c7a0-4cc1-b9ff-2db4b8a1f217)) (pin "4" (uuid 491aeadf-49cd-4c63-a040-c60d0fc0979c)) (pin "5" (uuid 68149398-fc3a-4c3e-9ee0-94ac0d557911)) (pin "6" (uuid beec20e3-00c5-4e35-b3a6-12cdd2d67f0c)) (pin "7" (uuid 38448ab4-e407-4dad-b7cf-7c7a12757b2c)) (pin "8" (uuid aea3c34f-8bbe-47da-9656-6002720fa0f8)) (pin "9" (uuid 40fe3fee-05fa-450d-a0a3-2ba518ef9062)) (instances (project "EDA RB" (path "/963efc4b-8161-4fb3-9bcc-5999648a4e3b" (reference "U1") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "fab:Conn_USB_A_Plain") (at 194.31 123.19 0) (unit 1) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced) (uuid 7828b165-e5bd-4837-bd26-411a037d4a24) (property "Reference" "P1" (at 200.66 122.555 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Value" "Conn_USB_A_Plain" (at 200.66 125.095 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:Conn_USB_A_Plain" (at 194.31 123.19 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 194.31 123.19 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (pin "1" (uuid 2d96d932-2c2e-4b94-8ff9-5ce79d592852)) (pin "2" (uuid dfbda774-8ab0-47ae-91a3-f0b8f709f988)) (pin "3" (uuid 8b13a5de-eff4-4217-be14-3f197c0796e4)) (pin "4" (uuid dba54d11-6b5b-45fe-8673-38c4afa7ed9d)) (instances (project "EDA RB" (path "/963efc4b-8161-4fb3-9bcc-5999648a4e3b" (reference "P1") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "fab:R_1206") (at 107.95 99.06 90) (unit 1) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced) (uuid c4734074-6c2c-4727-9379-63e7a6616424) (property "Reference" "R2" (at 107.95 93.98 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Value" "330 Ohm" (at 107.95 96.52 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:R_1206" (at 107.95 99.06 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 107.95 99.06 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (pin "1" (uuid 52d016a3-503d-4a3a-8cc1-3d507fea7111)) (pin "2" (uuid cdf989c0-9d0d-4ba4-afdd-5ce81194e017)) (instances (project "EDA RB" (path "/963efc4b-8161-4fb3-9bcc-5999648a4e3b" (reference "R2") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "fab:LED_1206") (at 99.06 99.06 0) (unit 1) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced) (uuid cc691f8f-c83d-41b0-8f40-c7f162ece526) (property "Reference" "D1" (at 97.4598 93.98 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Value" "LED_1206" (at 97.4598 96.52 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:LED_1206" (at 99.06 99.06 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "https://optoelectronics.liteon.com/upload/download/DS-22-98-0002/LTST-C150CKT.pdf" (at 99.06 99.06 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (pin "1" (uuid 9f65dae7-91cc-4932-ab74-62ed7ccba2d1)) (pin "2" (uuid 3f2d2e6f-5a43-4d2b-ad58-36ee3539a5d4)) (instances (project "EDA RB" (path "/963efc4b-8161-4fb3-9bcc-5999648a4e3b" (reference "D1") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "fab:Button_Omron_B3SN_6.0x6.0mm") (at 96.52 119.38 0) (unit 1) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced) (uuid e2d31cdb-e65f-42b7-af22-e9bfccdd0f8d) (property "Reference" "SW1" (at 96.52 113.03 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Value" "Button_Omron_B3SN_6.0x6.0mm" (at 96.52 115.57 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27))) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:Button_Omron_B3SN_6.0x6.0mm" (at 96.52 119.38 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "https://omronfs.omron.com/en_US/ecb/products/pdf/en-b3sn.pdf" (at 96.52 119.38 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (pin "1" (uuid 95c1250c-fe46-4abf-8306-9118082ec513)) (pin "2" (uuid 2b872121-19b5-4c3e-85f9-5e562fd819dd)) (instances (project "EDA RB" (path "/963efc4b-8161-4fb3-9bcc-5999648a4e3b" (reference "SW1") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (symbol (lib_id "fab:R_1206") (at 105.41 124.46 0) (unit 1) (in_bom yes) (on_board yes) (dnp no) (fields_autoplaced) (uuid e9d9533e-dcc8-434b-a9c3-5c2e5a6fb86f) (property "Reference" "R1" (at 107.95 123.825 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Value" "R_1206" (at 107.95 126.365 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) (justify left)) ) (property "Footprint" "fab:R_1206" (at 105.41 124.46 90) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (property "Datasheet" "~" (at 105.41 124.46 0) (effects (font (size 1.27 1.27)) hide) ) (pin "1" (uuid d36d6d33-98c4-4487-8402-d523a80325b9)) (pin "2" (uuid 94f61546-4656-4a0f-9a58-0b7de1ae8872)) (instances (project "EDA RB" (path "/963efc4b-8161-4fb3-9bcc-5999648a4e3b" (reference "R1") (unit 1) ) ) ) ) (sheet_instances (path "/" (page "1")) ) )